I used to enjoy trooping around old round houses but not not many are left. Anyone know how to get a list of where some are?
I used to enjoy trooping around old round houses but not not many are left. Anyone know how to get a list of where some are?
I found this site which is not completely up-to-date, but helps.
I know Evansville, IN still has a roundhouse and turntable in use at Howell yards.
Steamtown in Scranton, Pennsylvania has an operating roundhouse and turntable.
Bessmer & Lake Erie/CN Bessemer Division had an operating turntable and roundhouse in Greenville, PA as recently as four years ago, but I haven’t been out that way in some time. I assume its still there.
In Janesville WI the Wisconsin and southern railroad still operates a turntable, and an old MIlwaukee road round house. really a neat place, with a ncie hill where you can legally sit and whatch the engiens repaired and switch the yard. Worth visiting if your ever in the area.
Whitefish Montana-Roundhouse with operating turntable west of depot
Troy NY-Roundhouse is now plumbing contracter
Cuyahoga Hts OH- Newburg and South Shore has mini round house with turntable
they will give rides on turn table by request
Paris KY on the TTI RR has roundhouse and turntable.
Brian (KY)
NS still uses a century old round house in Asheville, NC but they don’t use all of it if I remember correctly.
Quebec central uses a turntable and a roudhouse in Vallee Jonction. I think it’s the only place where their maintenance is done.
There a picture of it: http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=63653
The BNSF yard in Vancouver WA.has a turntable.So does the Amtrak engine facility(ex ATSF)in L.A.The ex SP Taylor shops has one,also.
There is an operating turntable and roundhouse in Jamestown, Calif. Hurry to see it as someone will likely burn it down before they install a proper fire protection system.
The Bellvue Ohio Roundhouse and Turntable still stand but is not used.
The old SOO/WC/CN roundhouse and turntable in Stevens Point, WI is still in daily operation. The old CB&Q/BN/BNSF turntable at Eola Yard is still operable but rarely used these days, but their roundhouse here is long gone (although at any given moment you can see from a few to as many as ten or more units in the area near the turntable and where the roundhouse used to be).
The Union Railroad, a small steel industry rail line in Pittsburgh, still uses their turntable and roundhouse. It is approachable and the entire engine shops are visible from US-22 on the west edge of Monroeville.
If you want to see an old manual turntable still in use check out the East Broad Top railroad in Robisonia,Pa.
BNSF has a rarely-used turntable 1/4 mile east of the newly-restored ATSF/Amtrak passenger depot in Dodge City, KS. The roundhouse which it used to service was torn down maybe late 80’s early 90’s.
Al Krug’s RR Photo Essays site (a great site, by the way) shows a working turntable in Sheridan, WY as late as Jan. '04.
New Haven, Indiana the turntable is still in place and Frankfort, Indiana part of the roundhouse and the turntable is still in place. (The last time I was there, at least) Both yards are Norfolk Southern
An 1856 CB&Q roundhouse exists in Aurora, Il. It was saved from demolition by METRA using a portion for a new station and the actual roundhouse being turned into the Walter Payton’s Roundhouse Restaurant.
Can be reached from Chicago using the BNSF West Line. On weekends, $5 gets you an unlimited pass good for both days.
Check out the restaurant site. Try out some of the options. Neat site. It can seen at
In Spencer, NC there is a museum on former Southern Railway property, including roundhouse and turntable. Admission is free.
Vermont Railway (Vermont Rail Systems) has a turntable and a small roundhouse in Burlington, VT.
New England Central has a roundhouse with turntable at St. Albans, VT.