Anybody have the Walters mainline well cars?

How are they? Do you like them? I see they are coming in 5 car sets. I would like to order a few if they look and run well.


The five car sets are a unit, as per prototype, so have common trucks you’ll notice. Those eventually proved unpopular with railroads because they lack flexibility when breaking and making trains. You’ll have the same “problem”.

Walthers also makes quite fine regular well cars, we bought three red versions and really like them. They need broad radius curves and higher frog number turnouts to show their best but run quite well down to 22" radius and #4 frogs.

We use ours to test newly laid or reoriented track. The wheels squeal in tight curves.

They still build multi-unit well cars today…

Mostly triples, but I believe there’s been recent 5-packs as well.

Singles are far less common.

I’ve recent done a ton of academic research on rail intermodal for a graduate school project. In my research so that I could have source to cite beyond “well cars can have 1, 3, or 5 wells because I’ve known that most of my life,” I found this

Lists 20 pages of 5-unit articulated well cars (more pages of drawbarred ones), and just 5 pages of singles.

Also, I have one of the cars in question as a height feeler for planning purposes. I like it. Has a nice weight to it and the detail is good. It isn’t a museum piece or anything, but it is a marked improvement over the old plastic bodied cars from my youth.