Anybody in this group using ATCS Monitor?

I just loaded it this weekend with the help of a friend and I think it’s great. Finally, I know where all FEC and CSX trains are in Florida at all times with a dispatcher display on my laptop computer. Sure makes railfanning a lot more efficient and productive, not to mention FUN!.

This is available to the general public??? How do you get it?


I didn’t know what this was. Pretty neat concept and it would help out in terms of seeing where trains are…but I just wonder about legal issues.

First, you must join the ATCS Monitor Yahoo group. Afterward, you’ll receive a membership questionaire. Complete it, submit it and you’ll gain access to everything you need which is available on the ATCS Monitor Yahoo group web page. BTW, it’s all perfectly legal since the data used is broadcast via radio from wayside mcp’s. Just like scanning emergency services is legal, so is monitoring trains.

I’ll be glad to help anyone who needs it, just pm me for instructions [;)].

I’m actually kind of confused, about one thing. How does it know where the trains are? I never have it hooked up to my scanner, and yet it knows where only a few of the trains are. Like, I have mine set for the Union Pacific Geneva sub, and only the UP line will go red, but only over the diomand. Sure enough, when this happens, a train will be there. But for everywhere else, nothing. Any suggestions?

Sounds like either there are no servers in the area you cover or you don’t have the proper profile loaded. The wayside bungalos where remote switches receive dispatch commands, constantly transmit their respective status via radio signals. These are known as mcp’s. The mcp’s are picked up by servers, usually a series of railfans up and down the line with scanners equipped with discriminator outputs connected to their pc’s who process the data received and then contribute this data to ATCS Monitor. I may not be 100% correct on how it works, but from what I’ve learned in the last week, I’m not that far off base.

here’s the link to get started:

I haven’t seen Chad around lately, but I’m pretty sure he’s using ATCS Monitor.

Additionally, for those who want to see what the system looks like, you can check out the Moffat Sub ATCS display over at the Colorado Railfan page.

How do you switch to other roads?

Are there any other sites like this for different places?

The Colorado Railfan page only supports the Moffat Sub, so no other railroads are available there. There may be other sites like this someplace else on the net, but I haven’t found them. Then again, I haven’t looked too hard, either.

OK , thanks.

By loading the mcp information for the particular railroad and subdivision as a profile into the monitor program. They are available in “files”, accessable once you become a member to:

Another great resource for learning is :

as well as the program inventor’s website:

Everything you need is right there.


The line that runs near my location, the CSX New Castle Sub can be very slow at times. Running only 20-25 trains per day, it can see up to 3 hour lulls on occasion. This device sounds very useful. One problem. A while back when I tried to join the ATCS Monitor Yahoo Group, they denied my account. I have no idea why. Age was not a question in the form I had to fill out. Is it possible they did not like my reasoning for wanting an ATCS Monitor? Anyways, if someone could help me, I’d appreciate it. It would come in handy on lines like the CSX “Mountain Sub” between Cumberland and Grafton, among other lines. If they would accept my account, would it be quick and easy to retrieve the device? Is it free? And can someone explain how to get it operating?


I was accepted pretty easily. I just basically told them that I was using this to enhance my at home experience of railfanning. It’s free

I’m still trying to figure all this stuff out


I just spent 45 minutes reading this stuff and well…it is way over my head. Think I will just listen to my scanners.


Trust me…If I can do it, anyone can. That’s for sure. And believe this…once you get it working, you’ll wonder how you got by without it.

Okay Ted, I might give it a try.

Give me the basics of what you need (laptop, scanner, etc) and how long it takes to get hooked up etc.

What kinda range do you get on it, just the area of the scanner range?


Wow, thanks for posting this topic–I sure am interested in checking this out. In fact I have already registerd for and been accepted to the ATCS Monitor group. Looks like I don’t even need to have my scanner modified because you can also run the software in a mode where it will connect to another user’s server via the internet that has the live data feed from that user’s area.

BTW from a security or privacy standpoint, this does not sound any different than the websites such as that have realtime commercial airline radar display and flight tracks. Will see how it goes.