Anyone running their trains in the snow today on the east coast? What if anything do you guys use for traction other than locomotive weight? Can anything abrasive like sand be applied to the tracks without clogging up mechanisms? Thanks in advance to you all for your input.
Hi Jim; I live in the and don’t have a snowplow. I do like the old Western Pacific and run a USA F3 AB set with an Aristo track cleaning car trailing. I think the traction wheels probably help.
We got up to a FOOT in Mass. The box cars I had out were missing! No I found them under the snow. I had to do a quick pass with a shovel to open it up. I then sent Charlie Brown with the plow extra around the mainline to clean it up. He then went around with the wings out to widen to mainline. If we get any more snbow or drifts I’ll use the rotary snow plow. So yes I am running today. Sean
Yes we did. Would love to see all the nice blue out in the white snow. Let me know when you can have visitors. This Sat is not good as will be in Taunton. The Hub show @ Hoilday Inn.