Anyone wanna trade - I need a set of F3 junkers!

I’m looking to find a set of postwar F3 junkers. Let me know if you have any or know of any out there. I have a MTH GP-9 30-2315-1 FEC new in box and a couple other items! Let me know!

I have an interesting F3 dummy, e-mail me.

In rooting through a box of misc. postwar stuff last weekend, I came across a disassembled set of postwar Santa Fe 2343s. By “disassembled,” I mean that the shells are wrapped separately; the dummy A frame is in a separate wrap; and the various components of the powered A are all included with its frame in yet another wrapping. To the best of my knowledge, all parts are there for both units.

If interested, I will entertain any reasonable offer for the whole package. I am trying to clear out trains that I don’t expect to use in the future. E-mail me if interested.

Allan - I sent you an email this morning - Thanks!