As some of you know, I am attempting to model the CNW in Mankato MN. The ballast used by the CNW and Omaha Road is pink in color and hard to duplicate. Anyone from around here would immediately recognize the color of the correct ballast. I have found that Arizona Rock and Mineral has the color that I’m looking for. The ballast is sold in 12 oz. bags for $4.30 with a minimum order of six. The shipping is a flat thirteen dollars and will hold twenty four bags. I’m hoping to guess how much I’m going to need for my layout. Does anyone have any experience with coverage rates for this product? How many feet of track could a person expect to cover? I’m planning on using their HO fine scale size. I don’t need exact amounts, just a ball park figure of how far a bag of this stuff will go. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
We have been ballasting the club(and I have ordered over $300 of it so far). A rough guess is about 30’ of track with a single bag(code 100 Atlas flex). We have been using the NP grey(1302, fine). I suspect you may cover more with the ‘mainline’ ballast. The ‘Pink Lady’ ballast does look real good.
On average a fine to medium size ballast shaker container of ballast should cover about 18-24 ft (maybe more) of single track mainline in ho scale, I can put about 4-5 12oz bags into a shaker. Be sure to find one of those dust busters hand held vacuums so that you can reuse the ballast that is left over.
I ended up filling about 14 shaker bottles of rock ballast because I didnt want to be sol if a color was discontinued…
Jim, thank you for the quick reply. There isn’t a great deal of track on my layout, 14x10 single mainline. I’m thinking I will buy ten bags and go from there. I know the operation is for sale, so I don’t want to run out after I get started. Now that I type that, maybe I should buy more![:D]
ford86, I don’t want to be S.O.L. if they end up closing up shop. ‘Pink Lady’ ballast isn’t something easily found. I also don’t want to have four times too much![:)]
You’d be doing yourself a favor by calling him and seeing how much he has and how popular it is. He does run out of items on occasion and only comes back in stock when he travels to a particular location.
He’s a very nice genleman. In fact he told me how to make my own since I had already located the dirt I wanted.
Thanks for the heads up. What has your experience been with how far one 12 oz. bag goes?
I made my own and had two 5 gallon buckets of the stuff. My is more of a fine dirt (1920’s era).
I can’t answer your question, although those bags don’t seem too large to me. I’m of the “buy more than I need” club.
Buy a whole bunch, and sell what you dont use for a little bit more than the price you bought them at. Or, you could put them in box and save the rest for layout MACH II.
I bought the same stuff you are buying, since that color is prevalent here in Eastern Iowa. I used 2 bags medium course for a 7X11 layout. I could have used 3. 10 should be plenty.
Driline, now you have me thinking that ten is too much![:)] Oh well, I have to wait until after Christmas to order it anyway. Better too much than too little. I suppose I could go out to the DM&E track behind my townhouse and make my own from former CNW track.[:)]
I used it on my layout and think it’s the best product on the market
I got about 12 ft of code100 per bag
Some of the guys i know use a layer of sand first then top it with AZ
to save money
I am using the Arizona stone NP grey also - the usual application - wetting with alcohol/water then gluing 50/50 water/ white glue. It dries a very dark charcoal color. I expected a much lighter grey. Has that been your experience? Any tips, anyone, for achieving a lighter color?
At the club, we find that the NP grey gets very dark when it is ‘wetted’ - but gets lighter again after the matte medium dries. However, the GN ballast get very dark when wetted, and sort of stays that way after it dries - go figure! I have been getting about 25’ of track done at home with a single bag. I am covering the sides of the 1/4" Homabed as well. I have 5 bags of ballast and have used up at least 3 of them so far. I have one more town to ballast(about 20’ of main line. I suspect I will have at least one bag of main line ballast left. My yard/sidings are being ballasted with the ‘Yard Mix’ - and it is going fast. I bought 7 bags and have used about 4 already. The yard took 2 bags, and the engine terminal is eating up ‘Yard Mix’ at a fast clip I hope to finish up the engine terminal this week-end. Oh yeah, I have gone through about 6 bottles of ‘Scenic Cement’ or matte medium so far. Of course I will be at the La Crosse Train Sale Saturday, so who knows what projects will be done Saturday evening!