Aster JNR Mogul timing info

Hello, I was able to get my Aster JNR Mogul 8550 fired today. There was an unusual addition from the previous owner to the fuel delivery system that prevented it from working correctly. There was also a loose fitting. Even with those two problems the locomotive ran. It did seem to fight a bit when I started the wheels turning leading me to wonder if the engine was ever timed correctly.

The locomotive does not appear to be factory assembled.

I do not have any manuals with the engine and need to know if there is anyone out there that can send me a copy of the timing instructions.

Thank you,


You’d probably get a much faster response to your question if you moved this over to the Garden Railways magazine forum under the topic of Battery Power / Radio Control / Live Steam at

Also try and go to their live steam forum.

Hello, I was able to get my Aster JNR Mogul 8550 fired today.

There was an unusual addition from the previous owner to the fuel delivery system that prevented it from working correctly. What precisely was added, and if you don’t have any manuals, how do you know?

There was also a loose fitting. Happens. Will happen again.

Even with those two problems the locomotive ran. It did seem to fight a bit when I started the wheels turning leading me to wonder if the engine was ever timed correctly. Just a careful question: Have you run live steam before? Not a put-down, just cold/wet cylinders do fight a bit when you start the wheels turning. These should always have the manuals with them. Contact previous owner and see if they are in his files.

Hello Curmudgeon,

Thank you for your input and Cacole thank you for the links!

I did have an experienced live steamer help me with the test running. I am new to live steam and the model railroading hobby. All of my past experience has been from identifying older collectable trains for a dealer.

The fuel system was not delivering fuel unless the fill cap was removed. The chicken feed system was explained to me and I started to do some trouble shooting. There was no sediment or other contaminants in the tank and the needle valve was clean. I took off the bottom of the tank and found a 1 inch long segment of fuel line that looked like it was attached to the bottom of the vent tube. From what I had been told about the way the system was supposed to work the tubing seemed out of place. It also had a very ragged cut that did not look like a factory job. I removed the extra tube and reassembled the tank bottom. The feed system now appears to correctly regulate the fuel flow to keep the fuel under the top level of the burners.

The fittings were sealed with some sort of a dry compound. The surface of the compound was smooth and crack free but the fittings were barely finger tight.

I will do another run and let the engine come to full operating temp. With the fuel system problem and steam leak we did not do a long run.

I do think that I like the live steam. I may never get into modeling a full layout like I see a lot of people doing but there is something about real steam that captures my attention. The JNR is too simple and I will sell it next week. The Alison Shay too will find a new home but the Neff UP9000 is a sweet work of art. It may not be painted up all pretty but watching that valve gear move and listening to the cylinders work was it’s own beauty!
