On this page:
you can see a list of 10 “ATSF Early Steel Caboose”(es) for study.
Santa Fe started using the “R” in the fifties, so I would think that would be too late.
I think the same thing for the “numbers on the cupola”–fifties–too late.
You COULD argue that your 2-10-0 was still around in the mid-fifties and that one of the above could then be used. I surely couldn’t say it didn’t happen. But it ain’t a slam dunk, I’ll tell ya. Neither are exactly unreasonable, just unlikely.
Same reasoning would apply to versions with the white railings (1953).
The “AT&SF”, as you call it, lasted until about 1938.
Of the three you mention, I’d pick the last one. UNLESS it was TOO early.
Kupla comments on Santa Fe cabeese:
They called them “way cars”. Like the Burlington.
“A. T. & S. F.” lasted until 1938-ish
“A. T. S. F.” 1938-1943-ish
“A T S F” 1943 on past 1955 (your cutoff date)
Note that there (apparently) WAS NO “AT&SF”. It had periods.
Using all this info, I would stay away from Santa Fe cabeese with “R”'s and/or cupola numbers and/or white railings.
Then I’d pick just WHEN I wanted my 2-10-0 to run and try to find an appropriate caboose from the rather extensive selection.
All that said, I suggest you consider getting the one on your list with the “&”.