Hi guy, Finally got it done.
The making of a GP40, A learning exercise.
I picked up an Athearn GP40 dummy at a swap meet. Found a (GP 20 ?) Athearn frame and motor at another.
Remove weights to lower motor in GP40 frame. Restored weight in reconfigured location. Installed TSU AT1000 decoder and cut out floor of over head weight compartment for access to disconnect for shell removal.
Bought Kadee #37 & #38 couplers for this Athearn. They require you to hold Five tiny little parts while installing screw, with my bifocals and fine hand control it ain’t going to happen.
I center punched, drilled and tapped 2-56 hole just in front of the Athearn recess, filed off thickness of thin plastic. Ca glued a #5 coupler box in place dropped in a #148 whisker coupler inserted screw, Bingo We have lift off.
Air brushed Decaled and clear coated.
Sorry about being off seqence, I couldn’t get photos to past where I wanted.
Just have fun railroading. [swg]