Athearn GP60Ms - BN, CN, CR, UP

Athearn announced GP60Ms for BN, CN, CR and UP. None of these railroads actually had GP60Ms on their rosters. UP has regular cab GP60s from SP, and CR ordered GP60Ms, but canceled it favor of SD60Ms. Had CN got GP60Ms, they probably would have the 4-window Canadian safety cab instead of the 2-pane on ATSF’s GP60Ms. Though BN didn’t have GP60Ms, it’s successor BNSF inherited ATSF GP60M’s #100-#162, which still retain their ATSF numbers. Had BN rostered GP60Ms before the merger in 1995, BN GP60Ms would likely have been renumbered BNSF #163 and up. BNSF also has spartan cab #8700-series GP60s and the cabless #300-series GP60Bs Since Athearn is coming out with CR GP60Ms, maybe they should have included NS and CSX too since GP60Ms would be on their rosters too after the CR breakup. Had these roads ordered GP60Ms they would likely have been used for intermodal in the 1990s and downgraded to local freight in the 2000s after the 6-axles took over. BN actually had SD60Ms too, though these were used for hauling coal and wouldn’t have been affected by a conjectured GP60M order. I’d imagine these GP60Ms would still be service in 2010 with BNSF, CN, CSX, NS and UP.

I checked the ad and it is fantasy land for Athearn.

They might as well add the PRR and a few other great selling railroads to the mix. If a company is just trying to sell anything with any name on it, why limit your chances of selling more items.


If they sell,it helps the bottom line.The healthier the bottom line the more money for new projects.Sounds like a win-win deal to me.

At least BN, CN, CR and UP were active Class 1s when the GP60M was on EMD’s catalog and built the GP60Ms for ATSF in the early 1990s. Not as far fetched as PRR or other roads who became fallen flags in the 60s or 70s. I guess the reason these other Class 1s didn’t order any was because they didn’t see the need to upgrade their motive power for intermodal like ATSF did with the GP60Ms and B40-8Ws. Of course by the mid and late 1990s new 6-axle C-C was the way to go as intermodal consists were becoming longer with the double-stacks and all.

These on top of th foobie, WP, DRGW, and MILW AC4400CWs? Why not more SD40-2s, especially the earlier versions?

Wonder if they are going back to the “fantasy” aspect of the bluebox era. Wonder if B&O DD40s are in the works?

As far as the Conrail units go…IIRC Conrail had actually placed an order for GP60Ms but cancelled it. Being a CR fan, and not minding stretching the truth a little, I will go for one if not both units. I don’t mind that Athearn does fantasy units but prefer that they disclaim them as such, which I believe they did on their recent fantasy AC4400s.

I think the GP60 came out about the same time railroads decided 6 axle units was the better deal since 357 was built between 10/1985 to 6/1992…Not a good record for a 4 axle unit.

Here’s the forth coming SD40-2s.

I suppose I’m too critical but I kind of hate it when a model company does this. Mind you it was quite common in the 70’s and 80’s when a lot of models were what if’s. I can remember that Concor and IHC used to be famous for doing this, to help pay for the tooling I suppose. I supose I don’t blame them for trying to pay down the costs of the tool making by running the fantasy roads and trying to make as many sales as they possibly can,by running as many roadnames as they can.I guess that as long as they state it’s a what if it’s a no harm no foul sort of thing. In the end the market for them will or won’t be good,if they sit , then they won’t try it again,if they sell, then hey you will likely see them keep doing them. I can remember seeing the N scale Concor turbines from the late 80’s early 90’s coming in many roadnames,CSX , Conrail and Amtrak come to mind. They must have sold though as the LHS’s that carried them seemed to unload them so I guess it’s all in what you like, and how critical or fancifull you want to be.


Athearn did announce the GP60M’s for UP, BN, CP, and CR as fantasy roads. Here is the email notice they send out: GP60M announcement.

They kind of beat me to it, I have a couple of Rail Power shells that I’m going to paint in the SP scheme, I’ll still do them in the future.

Alas, no BNs… At least they have more undecs

I don’t know I really don’t need ‘em but,a 2-3 unit consist of CR GP60s would look mighty nice hustling a string of 57’ PFE reefers toward the East coast.

Hey,fantasy locomotives calls for a fantasy train don’t ya think?

You might as well use the old 40’ reefers and ice docks, and don’t forget the caboose. They probably will sell well since the GP60M is a nice looking locomotive, but Athearn more recently has offered detailed models for certain roads like the SP with all of their special package of lights and details. It is probably a matter of just moving merchandise to help the bottom line, much like the John Deere Challengers. We all know John Deere had their own locomotives and painted them in green and yellow.


It’s a hobby for us and a business for manufacturers. And if they believe there is revenue potential with fantasy schemes, go for it. As modelers, if a BN GP60M is offensive to you, don’t buy it.

I think Athearn should come out with RTR standard-cab GP60s too, and not the old Blue Box GP60 either. The GP60 shell would need a standard EMD cab and a larger fuel tank since the GP60Ms was smaller than the standard GP60. P2k/Walthers had HO GP60s, but an Athearn RTR GP60 would be cheaper since a new Walthers run without sound or DCC would probably cost around $150.

Though a fantasy BN GP60M or a fantasy BN GP60M with BNSF patch would make a loco consist with BNSF pumpkin and ATSF or BNSF warbonnet GP60Ms look rainbow.

Well, for those of you intrested, I have a roster of the 1970 - 1997 Burlington Northern Motive Power. On this it list’s GP60M with road #'s 9200 - 9298 for that time period. They were built between December 1989 and March of 1991 for BN. They have the original Green Black scheme and a few had been repainted with the BNSF pumkin scheme. So i don’t see where “FANTATSY” is appropriate in the case of BN RR.

Just my two cents

The BN purchased SD60M which are a little different than the GP60M. Your models are a few feet longer than a GP60M and two more axles unless you modified them by chopped off two axles.



12.89 to 03.90







01.91 to 03.91



1991, 9250-9298


Ah my mistake, you are correct those were SD and not GP

thank you

CZ,I can live with the fantasy CR GP60s but,pulling 40’ ice bunkers? That would never get by me for one iota…[xx(]

You see for me that is unacceptable.The GP60Ms is passable as a what if fantasy which I have no problems with…I have offten wonder what some modern locomotives would look like in fallen flag to include a GP60M in C&O!

If others want to do so…[tup][tup]