I just got my N-scale Challenger a couple days ago. I’m used to conventional engines that on DC current will start running around 3V. With this engine, the sound will work at lower voltages but it seems that 9-10V is needed get the locomotive to even creep (although full speed seems to come by 14V). Considering I normally use DCC, I’m not worried about this if this is normal. However, this seems awfully high and I’m wondering if it is part of a defect. Has anyone else noticed this. Also as a note, I could be having current draw problems, as I no longer have a straight DC setup and to test this function, I was using AA cell batteries, so that could be the problem too. Thanks.
That is “normal” operation when you put it on DC (in HO… might be a bit high for N… i dunno) - the Sound decoder’s electronics can start up on 3V or whatever, but there isn’t enough power to get the loco’s motor running - hence the need for the extra 3-6V before the motor will kick in.
I aquired an older (used) plain old DC N scale 2-8-8-2. I have not measured the voltage specifically, but I can tell you it does require more power (whhoo wwwhhhhooo whhhoooo think Tim the tool man Taylor) to start and then to run. It seems to like to run at about 50 scale MPH. Curves or straight away. With cars or not.
I have cleaned and lubed it, which did improve it somewhat. I just consider it my super-fast freight runner.[;)] (for When It Absolutely Has To Be There Overnight!) I don’t know when it was made, but I do have other older (think 70’s) N scales that I have had since then that do seem to eat some juice. Always did. I have just accepted it cuz I don’t know else to do.