I have Atlas switches and momentary slide switches on my control panel. I’m switching to DCC and went to redo the control panel to include LED’s that show which track is switched. Is there an easy way to do this?
Wasy is to replace the Atlas switch machines with Tortoise switch machines, and use spdt toggle switches.
Failing that, you need a latching relay to control the signal lights. You can use the Atlas Snap Relay for this. You will probably want to use at least 18 v ac to the coils, maybe even 24 volt to assure that both devices (switch and relay) stay in unison.
Warning, the Atlas Relays are make-before-break so you cannot wire it so that you could get a short in your circuit as the switch reverses. But it is a dpdt switch you you can work around that rather easily.
Get a Tortoise. I’ve been running them for 30 years witout problems.
Check out this earlier post about the same topic.
Modeling the early to mid 1950s SP in HO scale since 1951
My Model Railroad
Bakersfield, California
I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.
How is your budget?
The cheapest way to do this is to add a latching relay to your circuit. You can buy these online for a few dollars each. The coil is wired in parallel with the switch machine, and it give you a double-pole, double-throw (DPDT) with which to wire the LEDs.
The easy way is to add an Atlas “snap relay,” again in parallel with the switch machine. It’s “easy” because you get screw terminals. The latching relay requires soldering to small circuit-board sized pins.
Either of these can be wired to drive either a pair of green/red LEDs or a single bi-colored greed/red LED.
If you don’t already have one, I strongly recommend buying or building a Capacitive Discharge circuit to drive your twin-coil machines. One circuit is enough for a decent-sized home layout. This circuit will give you a bigger voltage kick to throw the coils, which helps when you’re driving two of them at a time as with a switch machine and a relay. It also prevents you from burning out a switch machine when one of those Atlas sliders sticks in the on position, as they sometimes do.
Ken Stapleton makes a combination toggle and circuit board which mounts behind your panel and also controls LEDs.
I have a few of these on my layout, too. They work fine.
Would love to have the circutron switch machines but teh layout is already built and some switches do not have room underneath to install the Tortose. Guess the switch/circuit board is a good option. THANKS
Ok still need some help. This is what I have to work with.
Power Source DC Transformer with conections for DC Variable and AC Accessoeries.
Atlas Snap Switch Machine
Atlas Model 200 Snap Relay
SP or DP Momentary Switch
Green LED - Red LED - Resistors
Using these, can someone provide a wiring diagam that I can understand?