Auto rack, side panel

In search of one large, silver side panel for Walthers bi-level Auto rack in a HO scale

edit: any color would work

I called Walthers on Monday & was told that those pieces are not available separately , even as a complete set

I’m pretty sure I have what you describe in my spare parts. Any way to personally communicate on this forum?

If that falls through, E-Bay could be your friend

autorack side panel walthers ebay - Bing images

Oh, do you mean one of the individual panel pieces that came with the Walthers autorack kits?

Can you make and post a sketch with dimensions of the part you need?

If the bi-level and tri-level cars had the same panel, I think I might have some of them.

the panel is 1.7" tall x .79" at widest point… the panel on the tri-levels are slightly taller (1.8")

see photo for email info…subject AUTORACK