Bachman EZ-Track laying for DCC wiring.

Greetings all,

A while ago, I think it was quite a while ago I posted a question regarding Bachman EZ-Track. I have changed computers and email address and can no longer find the replies to my initial question so I hope you don’t object to me posting the question again.

I’m setting up 6x9 DCC HO system using EZ-Track. I’m a Newbie to DCC operations and I bought a Digitrax Super Chief Set with Wireless capabilities system back around 2006.

I have the tracks laid out on the table and then the question came up as how to wire things up for DCC and test the wiring before making all sorts of holes for wires to go under the table.

With EZ-Track the connection wires, if run beneath the road bed will cause bumps in the track and make for uneven running of the trains but, that would save the table.

I know that DCC electrical connections should have connections to the track at least every 3 feet and not

original thread