The current release of the Bachmann 2-8-0 in the standard line is, as stated by Bachmann and as confirmed by a number of outside sources, the EXACT SAME LOCO recently offered in the Spectrum Line. In the standard line it is not offered with sound - but is sound decoder ready. The biggest change is the model no longer comes in a big expensive box.
As Bachmann has made great strides in both quality and features, a number of older products have been moved from the Spectrum line to Regular line with no changes in their feaures or quality.
They include the GE 44 Tonner, GE 70 tonner and the 2-8-0.
Some production runs of 2-8-0’s have skew wound 3 pole motors, some have straight wound 5 pole motors. Being an owner of both, and a total of 8 Bachmann 2-8-0’s spaning most every production change, there is no difference in the performance of the two motors.
One important tip for all owners of Bachmann 2-8-0’s and most Spectrum steamers in general - remove the noise suppression capacitor from the circuit board - doing so will greatly improve slow speed performance of the loco on DC or DCC.
While many past Bachmann regular line products did have problems and bad reputation, I would suggest to all you are selling yourself short if you prejudge their NEW offerings based on problems from 10, 20 or 30 years ago.
I have over 35 Bachmann locos, mostly Spectrum, but also regular line 2-8-4’s, 44 tonners and 70 tonners - ALL are great running and well detailed and are a great value for the money.
Bash Bachmann all you want - I have 35 of them, had to send three back over the last 8-10 years.
I have nine pieces of Broadway - two of them took major rebuilding to get working, one other came missing parts, two others needed minor mods to track well - who has a better track record by percentage?