Bachmann 44 ton swicher

I got mine from The Favorite Spot for $29. The same day I got a Spectrum 0-6-0 in Weyerhauser paint for $19.


I was lucky and found one of the few Undecorated units that were made when they were first introduced in the late 80’s or early 90’s . It’s a dual motor and I had the guys at Tony’s Train Exchange set if up for DCC. Honestly my biggest issue was finding the right shade of Industrial Yellow for the unit as I wanted to do the Prototype that use to Shuffle Coal Cars at the Old Buck Steam Station in Salisbury NC. I finally found that, then had the issue of finding a decal of Ready Kilowatt the Duke mascot…no dice there so I had to laser print one…all in all things turned out well, and the unit has been operating fine for about four years now.

See also Wolfgang Dudler’s web pages and videos. [tup]

If the item comes in a shrink wrapped box then I doubt it is a factory second item.

Anyone else have a comment on this vendor?