Bachmann RS3 and digitraxx sound Help and advice please

Hi there Guy’s, I havent been active in here for a few weeks, as duty calls and I have to earn a living :). I have a new DCC equipped Bachmann Rs3, and it can take a sound decoder. ( the fuel tank has a cavity for a speaker) So I am heading into sound for the first time, and have a few questions.

Here in South Africa, Digitraxx is the most common decoder around and also the most affordable, what decoder would be a sure thing to add (digitrax wise) The Loco has a pin harnass, havent checked if it is 8 or 9 pin ? Should I be looking to add a sound only decoder, or do I go the whole hog and add a sound/function decoder ?

Looked on tony’s trains site and they dont specify in their lists, and digitrax site is a bit vague.

Have a brilliant New Year guys, and thanks a million.



Is ESU Loksound available in your area? ESU has done a very good representation of the Alco prime movers. Their version 4 decoders have a 8 pin plug. Here is a link to their site.


There’s no approriate sound project for an RS3 for the Digitrax decoders, unless someone privately has made one that isn’t available for public consumption.


Hi there Pete,

Have done a search for local/nationwide ESU, and no luck. South Africa has some great model railroaders, but alas we are a backwater in terms of supply. Digitrax is the commonly used decoder here, and I cannot afford to buy via the internet, as i am a youth pastor with very limited funding, so when I do buy it is always with a great deal of research, to really stretch my budget :). I am considering getting a digitrax sound (generic sound) decoder for the moment, as it is my birthday soon, and my beloved thinks it will be cool to have sound :slight_smile: So it looks like i shall have to make a project out of this :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice though, most welcome :slight_smile:


Hey there Randy,

Seesm like shall have to make a go of it myself ( new territory for me) and see what can be done. Thanks for the input ,

God Bless


If you cant afford anything more than the Digitrax sound decoders, then save up until you can afford a Tsunami or QSI revolution. Digitrax has dropped the ball with these decoders and you WILL be disapointed, and probably turned off of sound by it.

Just my 2 cents of experience.

David B