Bachmann Tethers

I have one of the older Bachmann 4-6-0’s and the outer insulation on the tether from tender to loco has started to get very stiff. This is putting a lot of stress on the wires, connectors and the sound on/off switch. Do you know of any products such as Armor All, etc that may help to restore some of the flexibility to the insulator ?

Thanks, Doug

I wouldn’t recommend Armor-All because it dries out and stiffens the insulation even more. Car washes here discourage the use of Armor-All because long-term use causes tires to crack.

Try silicone spray.

I’d go to the Bachmann website and ask the bach man! My guess is to get replacement set and replace them!

Im not registered there so I couldn’t post the question, but I did do a search with no results. However I did drop their service group an e-mail.

There is absolutely nothing you can do except replace the wiring.

Try the silicone spray before you replace it. You might be surprised…then again maybe not.