Bakken oil by rail

For an extremely upbeat story on this booming business see today’s, scrolling down to the news category NORTH DAKOTA for 'N.D.‘s railed oil capacity jumps over 50 percent.’

Rail now ships almost a half-million barrels a day out of North Dakota. An oil spokesman is especially enthusiastic about rail’s flexibility , suggesting a continuing role for rail even after more pipelines have been built.

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  • Paul North.

So, there is roughly 700 tankers per day leaving with BNSF handling 75% of those. That translates into about 7 unit trains daily with BNSF @ 5 per day and CP @ 2 per day.

Capacity will increase to 700,000 per day (10 trains daily) by the end of the year.

BNSF was an excellent investment for Berkshire Hathaway.
