I recently completed a wood swing bridge across my trainroom doorway. I want to mount several Atlas truss bridge sections to the wood, probably using an adhesive. What would be the best adhesive to attach plastic to wood?
It would really depend on the amount of contact area and the stress placed on the bond.
Epoxy would be best , next would be rubber cements (Pliobond) and then contact cements (Goo, 3M etc). Liquid nail and adhesive caulk would be OK but not as good as the above.
Any other white, carpenter’s glue or CA will hold but not provide a lasting strong bond.
[#ditto] 2 part epoxy or liquid nails. Most things that stick well to wood don’t stick to plastic and visa versa. (CA won’t stick to wood at all.) That GOO silicon adhesive might work too.
Again, the solvent in Walthers Goo and Pliobond can damage plastic. I can show you Athearn cars floors distorted by the stuff.
All that is needed is a thin coating. If it allowed to dry and not gob the solvent laiden glue on as to trap wet material, you will never have any issue of the glue attacking the plastic.
Too many times it is not recommended to use these products, whereas if used properly you won’t have troubles.
You might want to take a look at Weldbond glue. It looks like white glue, but it’s a type of acrylic glue that stays somewhat flexible after drying and won’t attack plastics like solvent based adhesives. This might be good for your situation since the bridge sections wouldn’t snap right off if bumped like they would with CA or expoy. Weldbond will stick to both wood and plastic. I’ve used it to attach the plastic fascia to the wood frame of our portable layout when almost nothing else would work. The only drawback is that weldbond doesn’t have much strength while wet, so you would have to figure out a way to hold the pieces in place until dry. I’ve also used it to attach plastic streets to the wood layout surface and they have held for years on a layout that has traveled in both very hot and cold weather.
I’ve found that full strength Weldbond will stick almost anything to anything. It takes a while to cure, so make sure the things you’re joining are held tightly together and undisturbed until the glue cures.