Best HO steam sound decoders and sound files?

Hello, I’m trying to do some research to help determine future purchases for new steam engines as well as existing ones that still need sound added and I’m wondering what everyone’s opinion is on sound decoders for steam, in particular 3 cylinder shays and cab forwards. I think Soundtraxx does a fantastic job with their diesel soundfiles, but I’m less than impressed by the sound I’ve heard from the Intermountain cab forwards I’ve seen videos of that are so equiped. Loksound seems to be closer to the recordings I’ve heard from the real ones, especially the relatively deep/low sounding chuff, I also don’t know what sound decoders the MTH models use.

When it comes to the shays, soundtraxx has a relatively generic logging soundfile which is fine for heistlers, climaxes and old 2 cylinder shays, but I would be looking for the distinctive 3 cylinder chuff of those used by the westside lumber co, and the physical size to fit inside an HOn3 loco.

Install a cam for decent three cylinder sound.


Go with the Loksound for the Shay. They have a file for it. For the cab forward look to the TCS WOW.

Fit the largest speaker you can for the best sound. I know a lot of people that use the tender shell alone for a sound chamber but I make a sound chamber out of lead sheet for the speakers in my steamers.
