Hello, I’ve built the diamond scale turntable and am trying to decide how to power the rails. One rail is powered by the ring rail, which is fine. According to the diamond scale instructions, the other rail is powered by running a power wire to the rotor on the bridge arch (which rotates in a brass pipe connected to the other rail) There must be a better method, the diamond scale method should have poor results at best. There must be a better way, but I haven’t found one yet.
This turntable is very popular, so someone must have a better way.
i think i’ve heard of people using a 1/4" audio jack (like on a guitar cable) attached to the turntable center as the pivot . i think if you use a stereo jack you can run power for both rails that way . not sure how you motorize it using that method though
I agree with mecovey. I’ve had a Diamond 130 foot turntable using the prescribed method and I have never had problems with electrical continuity. It seems like it would be troublesome but it is very reliable. Keep the brass wheels and the ring rail clean and you won’t have any problems. Soldering the bridge arch is a bit tricky but doable.
I soldered the top feed wires to a brass pole that extends through the sub-roadbed and my feed is soldered to the bottom of the pole protruding through the plywood.
I used about a 30 gauge magnet wire, in pairs, to the pole.