Bizarre derailing Issue on a Turnout

I had the same problem with a new Walthers HO scale curved turnout. In my case, thankfully, there were no derailments, but I noticed that trains made a good bit of racket and the wheels were really hopping through the frog. Typical wheel drop. While watching a Danny Harmon video, I realized that I could try to make a flange bearing frog, not unlike the flange bearing crossing that he described in his video. I tried 0.010” styrene as a test piece, and it wasn’t thick enough. I then tried 0.020”, which worked much better.

You may notice a faint line on the white styrene where the flanges are riding it. I did go back with a needle file and ease the entry/exit points of that styrene piece. I also noticed that the closure rails did not meet up well with the frog, so I filed those areas, too. Much better, and wheels are not hopping through the frog anything like they used to. I have since painted the track, and this shim is now imperceptible.