BNSF chooses Microsoft software for employees in the field

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BNSF chooses Microsoft software for employees in the field

I hope train crews are not using their devices when operating a train. I believe this contributed to a recent high speed train crash in Spain.

I am NOT surprised that BNSF went with MICROSOFT!! They have a good reputation!

I used to watch the BNSF in Palmer Lake, Colorado, as they dropped the pushers that helped get over the Palmer Divide between Littleton, CO where I lived, and Palmer Lake, CO. The pushers would be dropped off, the rest of the train would go on to their destination, the pushers would pass the switch where the double track became single, wait for the switch, and head back north to the rail yard in Denver, to await another coal train to help over the Palmer Divide!

I am not a BNSF employee. I do own stock, thru Berkshire Hathaway. Doing well, thank you! Don’t have to pay O’Bummer ‘capital gains taxes’! BNSF is very busy, up here in northern Montana! Love them ‘oil can’ unit trains!

It is 100% illegal for operating crews to be using electronic devices while the train is in motion. And before anybody starts to scream unfair, truck drivers are subjected to a similar regulation which states the brakes must be set and the transmission in neutral on a truck in order to use electronic devices. A similar regulation exists for airline pilots. Which leaves us with the kook four wheelers on the road who think it is perfectly fine to be yapping away while driving while putting on makeup, while texting, while reading that GPS device stuck to the windshield instead of the dash where it belongs.

Richard Opp/I too watched PALMER LAKE traffic early 1980’s-late1990’s. me and my pal Brett were from Bailey, Co. I have trunk loads of videos from Palmer Lake, but Pentrex states they Only review 16mm or better films…so now I have long retired cool equipment/videos that are of no use to anyone. Downright shame.

Richard Opp/I too watched PALMER LAKE traffic early 1980’s-late1990’s. me and my pal Brett were from Bailey, Co. I have trunk loads of videos from Palmer Lake, but Pentrex states they Only review 16mm or better films…so now I have long retired cool equipment/videos that are of no use to anyone. Downright shame.

Richard Opp/I too watched PALMER LAKE traffic early 1980’s-late1990’s. me and my pal Brett were from Bailey, Co. I have trunk loads of videos from Palmer Lake, but Pentrex states they Only review 16mm or better films…so now I have long retired cool equipment/videos that are of no use to anyone. Downright shame.

Trust me. No one I’ve ever worked with has ever once even pulled out their cell phone, or any electronic device, while moving on a train (in the last 3 years plus). “We” (TYE employees) understand the consequences and don’t screw around with them. Obviously there’s always the exception to the rule, but luckily where I work (BN_F), I haven’t been exposed to a single instance.

I hope they beef up the privacy. Hackers are everywhere.

With Warren and Bill such good friends and BNSF owned by WB, is this a surprise to anyone?

GPS devices are far safer on the windshield than on the dash. On the windshield promotes a " heads up" driving posture which keeps your eyes looking out the windshield and not down at the dash. When you look out the windshield you can maintain situational awareness better than with your eyes looking down. The US Airforce figured that out decades ago when designing fighter aircraft cockpit systems for the pilots.

Of course it’s Microsoft. Good, bad, indifference. When you ride the same business cars, it makes sence.