Boxcar end type

Can someone tell me what type boxcar end is on the front of this NYC emergency war caboose?



Inverse 7/7 Youngstown (Murphy).

Thanks, Dave. [:D] Do you know of a manufacturer who would have those specific end types in HO scale? Someone suggested Westerfield to me one time. I was just curious if any other manufacturers produced them. If they’re part of a kit, that’s fine, too.


Tom, if Westerfield doesn’t have them, Sunshine Models or Funaro & Camerlengo might.

I made reverse Murphy ends for this Canada Southern boxcar utilising a Tichy 5/5/5 end. They also offer a 7/8 end. Heavy aluminum foil was placed over the Tichy part, then moulded to capture the rib detail. After cutting it to the proper height for this low-roofed car, it was reversed, then attached to plain sheet styrene using contact cement, and the assembly was grafted into the modified Train Miniature body shell.


Thanks for that info, Wayne. And, BTW - Does the rear wheel on that Sylvan kit have a bad tie rod? [(-D]


Westerfield has stopped selling parts. You can find a 7/8 end, you can cut out 1 rib. The regular ends are more common parts than the inverse ends. If you REALLY want the inverse ends you might have to make a reverse casting of a regular end as has been suggested.

Tichy Train Group makes a 5/5/5 regular boxcar end, #3001 is for double sheathed cars.

Odd that I never noticed that, Tom, but I was more concerned about the “flying” front wheel. [:-^][(-D]
