Boy, did I just get a bargain!

I posted a few threads back about converting an old Roundhouse kit mogul for my planned layout based on the V & T.

Of course I already have several of the old AHM/Rivarossi 4-4-0 models of the Genoa, Inyo, Reno, and the 2-4-0 J W Bowker, but since they are no longer made, I occasionally check EBay to see if any come up in a good condition at a reasonable price.

Just last week while surfing on EBay for such models, I happened to click on the international seller’s button to see what came up. To my surprise there appeared to be a really nice model of the Reno priced at only 5 Euros with an additional 5 Euros for shipping. There was only 10 minutes left on the auction, and nobody else had bid on it. Five Euros is about $7.50 US so we’re talking only $15 US in total.

It was in Germany, so most of the copy was in German, but in the picture the model appeared to be brand spanking new. I posted my bid and 10 minutes later it was mine for the starting price…

I got a nice thank you note from the seller and words to the effect that the item had shipped. I used an on-line German translator to figure this out and reply back.

I live in a townhouse style condo, so I have a small mailbox for letters, magazines, such, and the post office leaves large packages in front of my door. No packages were left today, but I did have a few bills, statements, and advertising flyers in my mail box. While looking though it, I noticed a small envelope that was about post card size. The return address was German as were the stamps.

By now you may have guessed it. Inside was a post card picture of an AHM Reno. It was the same picture that was posted in the auction too. I w

BURN!! [;)]

I suggest you frame the card and hang it above your computer monitor as a reminder.


I almost did that once. Don’t remember what is was, but I was puzzling why it was so cheap and no one was bidding. Finally I actually READ what it said and was glad I did.

Two words: Caveat Emptor. Especially Wenn Sie kein.Deutsch sprach (I hope I didn’t butcher that too badly. My German is even rustier than an abandoned branch line).

These things happen. But for the low fee of $15, you get to tell a pretty good story. I, for one, didn’t see it coming. And anyone who says this kind of thing hasn’t happened to them just hasn’t lived long enough yet.


I was trying to bite my tounge but I lost it. [(-D]

Trade you a box of Chrome Muffler Bearings for it! They are NIB, only opened for the Pictures!

That line is all most a dead give a way that it not as listed. I have bought 4 PK 2000 BL 2’s that where listed NIB or unused. Luckily I got them cheap and knew there was going to be problems. All so got partial refunds for the split gears and blown head lights.

If you don’t want the muffler bearings, I can send you a can of Air from a 69 Hemi Charger right front tire! I swear the air was never used!


What about Bumper Oil, Headlight gas, Air Filter grease, and 1/16 scale paint?

Aw, shucks, guys - be easy on the poor guy - this could have happened to anyone of us! Ever tried to order a decent meal in France? [soapbox]

Well, if any of you should plan to order in Germany, just let me know - I´ll tell you what really is behind the offer…[swg]

For 15 bucks, it is a dang good story to tell your grandchildren…[:)]

What’s that old thing about “If it seems too good to be true . . . . . . . . . .”?

I think it is safe to say we are not laughing at him, we are laughing with him! I’m pretty sure its safe to say that every one of us has “been there, done that”!


You mean you think he posted this story and was expecting us NOT to laugh about it? Sounds like he should have used that on line translator he talked about for the posted description of the item.

I’m not sure I’d recommend telling this story to anyone that I’m related to, especially younger generations. When they retell the story, it will start with “Know how dumb my Grandpa is?”

I have a spare gallon of red tail-light oil I don’t need, we could trade! [(-D]

I bought an armor model once that was near the end of the auction wondering why it was a bit over half of the price that I’d normally expect to pay. Turns out it was in the wrong scale: 1:48 when what I was looking for was 1/35 scale.

Oh well, my mistake, ya gotta read ALL of the listing.

There is a deeper meaning behind this story:

Never ever trust those online translators - they just produce genuine nonsense. Language is so much more than just a deliberate array of words - especially the German language. Mark Twain once wrote a nice essay ´bout the “Awful German Language” - [:P]








I actually have a 4-4-0 reno, made by Pocher of Italy in my basement I found it on ebay for $82 ( it has brass detailing, and wire grab irons, etc very nice quality model Got it from my grandfather here are the pictures DSC00795DSC00798DSC00799DSC00800DSC00801

Dang, zome nutz from Germany ztole my idea!![(-D]

Well, at least you got a purty picture! I went to my LHS and asked for some code 100 to code 83 transition track and the guy tried to sell me some code 83 to code 100 transition track. Of all the nerve, trying to con a fella like me!! Jeez!! [;)]


spent 4 years in hanau germany and did get some interesting trains over there. but the only german i ever learned was to count to six or seven, catch a train(real) and order beer and food. if i can find the pics of the layout my landlord had over there i will post later.