As a relatively new user of Dr. Chubb’s hardware (but in DCC), let me strongly recommend you get his User Manual. Ordering info and other stuff is available at: It is $30 plus $7 shipping and is VERY complete and well-written.
If you have (or can get access to) back issues of Model Railroader, check out his 4-part series in the January thru April, 2004 issues.
He’s also working on an Application Handbook, with all sorts of real-life examples of a wide variety of things people have done with his system.
His C/MRI (Computer-to-Model Railroad Interface) doesn’t actually include things like signals, switches, computers, etc., although he tells you how to use them (many variations).
The circuit boards he designed are mostly two types: block detectors and computer interfaces. The block detectors (for DCC, anyway) need 12 volts DC. The interface boards I use, SMINIs (Super Mini-Nodes), require 5 volts DC. The signals you use may have different requirements.
Many folks use old computer power supplies – and the User Manual has some instructions for that, too!
For my fair-sized system, I got a “tabletop” power supply that provides both 5v and 12v, and use that one supply for block detectors, SMINI boards, and LED color light signals (mostly from Oregon Rail Supply kits).
I use a separate 9v power supply for about 100 Tortoises (actually 2 wall-warts), but you could use the same 12v for switch machines and block detectors, if it supplies enough amps. I like having them on separate circuits, but that’s up to you.
There’s also a C/MRI user group at