Cables snap on Arkansas & Missouri bridge

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Cables snap on Arkansas & Missouri bridge

I think the bridge is protesting the EMD’s. A&M should have stuck with Alco’s.

Is that what you call karma, Mr. Reid?

You don’t think it may have something to do with the bridge being old?

This bridge was modified in the 1960’s when the locks and dams were constructed on the Arkansas River. The original river channel was located north of its current location. There is still a turn span over the original channel.

Mr. Reid is right on target! (-: (-:

I’ve said this before, but Mr. Reid and the others in agreement with him are obviously not in favor of the new power. However, as one that owns and works with equipment, (not locomotives), I can tell you that you get to a point where nostalgia doesn’t cut it. Seeing classic old engines still out making a living is a sight to see, but it sure gets old not being able to find parts, do upgrades, or knowing you could make a payment with the fuel savings. I’m impressed that AM was able to use the older equipment for so many years, but I bet the guys in the cabs love that “new locomotive smell”…