Can you help me find an appraiser?

Hello, I would like to hire an appraiser to help me price a British O gauge model train set from the 50s. I have limited information, but I do have a picture. Any idea who I might contact?

Thank you!

Anna, I’d ask this question on the “Classic TOY Trains” Forum, that’s where you’ll find those in the know. You can find it by clicking on Sites on the top of this webpage.

Don’t be embarassed, you’re not the first one to mistake the two sites, and you won’t be the last.

Hello Anna. If you are looking to sell an estate type situation, there are several professional outfits that do just that. To be clear, are you in the USA, or U.K. ? I can supply some info. from advertisements listed in the Model Railroader Magazine.(American). I will be willing to steer you in the right direction, If I can. Not sure if I can help you if you are in the U.K.

Best wishes, Todd