anybody know of a website where I can find HO scale chain link fencing?
No i dont, but I do know how to make lots of great fence very cheaply. All you need is some sewing pins. Some of the fabric that bridal veils are made of (the cheap stuff of cours). and some super glue. Stick the pins in the scenery at realistic intervals, Im not sure how far apart they should really be, but that wouldnt be hard to find out. Then cut the heads off the pins. Cut the fabric to the height of the top of the pins and glue it to one of the ends. After the glue is dry, stretch it reasonably tight so it doesnt sag, and glue it to the next pin. Keep repeating the process until you have a fence. Depending what type of fabric you get you may need to paint it silver.
I have a nice chain link fence that I bought back in '94. Let me look through my receipts and see if I have that one. I don’t remember where I bought it offhand.
Well this almost embarassing. I don’t have my reciept, but I do have the packaging. The fence was made by Builders in Scale, in the Evening Express series. I found thier web site and the have the chain link fence set for $6.98. Hope this helps.
Here’s a link to the page:
This is a Builders-in-Scale kit fence.
this is just a thought that i had even before this topic came up but, what about using the silver colored screen you can buy at a hardware store like for your screen door, the proper size nails for post, and proceed like suggested before. i am going to try this method when i get to that stage of my layout.
Just a thought , dont really know if it will work but , i think it will , you could even use a old piece of wood to lightly nail the nails in at the proper intervals and glues the screen on to what ever length you want or need?
Anyway , just thought i’d mention it .
grande man,
That is an awesome photo.
Well, Walthers carries at least two different kits for chain link fecce…
But why not make your own? Steel wire for posts, and stretched and spraypainted nylons for the chain link.
Thanks Dave. The Builders-in-Scale fence is a neat item. The hairnet material is easy to come by for the chainlink, it’s the fence posts themselves that set their kit apart from some of the others. A while back, I just happened across a small bag of their posts in a large bin of assorted “stuff” at a train show. I got them for $2. Of the items we bought that day, I was most delighted with the fence posts! It was nice to be able to add to the fencing we already had.
I have made a lot of chain link fench. First I made a jig with the correct spacing and used KD brass rods and soldered them together then I sprayed them with adhesive and covered them with weeding tule and let dry. After dry I sprayed them with silver paint. When installing them in foam it was very easy just put glue at each pole.
I believe there was an article in MR concerning chain link fencing. The article was about a gentlemen that scratch built a large modern warehouse using Plastruct Plastic Panels. He also used mesh nylon and either plastic or metal for the fence poles. This probably was in maybe the August/July 2005 monthly publication.
Ah Ha!!! I found it in the Noveber/December 2005 MR.