Check this out

I found this website today. They have great prices but I can’t figure out how to order. Any ideas

I can’t figure this one out. Looks like they have a huge inventory, probably because nobody can access the site to purchase. I really tend to stay away from sites like this, no photos may be a hint that the products are not up to par.

looks fishy to me

Strange… I would not order off of the site probably until they get pics… remember the line nothings ever free… this stuff is oddly very cheap.

Looks like some sort of clearing house. I did a search on google and they say their site is temporarily off line. Looks to be Russion…dyskoteki = discotech?


I did a search too. I am pretty sure its not Russian, Probably Polish.

i always buy when theres pics and a 800 number. only then shall i buy. like discounttrainsonline

Are you sure it is a store and not a price list? They have an awful lot of “inventory” for a store, including antique cars and Academy Award products??? Doesn’t sound like a store. It could even be a list of auctions on some other site…

Don’t concern yourself with it.