Chicago Model International

Can any one tell me if “Chicago Model International” is still in business. My frend has three of their power supplies(superblue 156). y friend had a lightening strike near his home and the power supplies no longer worked. I opened the cases and everything looks good and the transformer still puts out about 18v. I have no way to test the solid state components.

My frend would like to get them repaired if it would not cost a arm and leg, these are 100va power supplies and performed very well for him. If the manufacture is no longer around is there anyone else who repairs these units.

Thanks John Sawaska, Wisconsin Rapids, Wi

A simple Google search turns up information about several companies with the name Chicago Model International.

I thnk this may be the one you need:

If you are going to Google, much better to search for “Chicago Model International Superblue 156”. With that search you can get more relevant hits, including:,784566 and

There are some phone numbers referenced, but I doubt you’ll have much luck with them. Might be worth giving them a try. The second link references what appears to be some sort of hobby shop and the fact that they have done some repairs. You might try there if they’re still in business.

Thanks To all who replied to my request for information. So far we have not had any luck. The last information on them is dated 2004, and they do not answer the old phone number. and they do not show up in a current phone directory.

Thanks again, John Sawaska

John, a couple more avenues you may want to try are a TV/electronics repair shop (if there are even still any around!), or a visit to a local hamfest.

i agree. the power of google search where everything you can find in the space. from the smallest topic to the bigger ones. for example looking for auto shops. checking out the chicago auto repair shops. that’s it.

Check out Apparently, the Chicago Model International Super Blue 156 is now the USA Trains Power 10.

I bought a USA Trains Train Power 10 and it is operationally the same as the Superblue 156. I put it through the tests to compare and I found no difference.

I still have a Superblue 156 taking care of my layout’s second level and the new Train Power 10 is taking care of my first level. They allow me to use “helper service” and that is what I was concerned with. No problems. I recommend it to anyone using standard DC.

I still have a Superblue 156 that needs repair that was replaced by my new TP10. Anyone know a repair depot? I can’t get myself to toss the 156 to the trash.

“BINGO” that is the answer we were looking for, now we can check with them to see if repairs are practical. I really appreciate the help.

Thanks very very VERY much.

John Sawaska, Wisconsin Rapids, Wi