City of New Orleans entry to Chicago

Is there now a connection between the former PRR and former IC at Grand Crossing? Last year and, again, this year, when I left Chicago on Amtrak #59, the train headed out, and I did not notice any change of direction of travel–unlike previous departures in which the train backed out. Two years ago, when I came in on #58, the train was backed in to the station,


No there is not, no work on that connection has even begun.

I did not think so; but I do wonder how the train gets to the former IC without a backup move.

There is still the backup move onto/off of the St Charles Air Line. Here’s hoping for better things:

But, when the train heads out, as it did the last two times that I took it, where is the second backup move made? I did not notice any backup move until we were backing into the New Orleans station.

3 ways to go,

Back out of the station, head out on the Q, change ends and head up on the Air Line.

Back out of the station and head out on the old GM&O, change ends and follow the IC Iowa Division to the Air Line at 16th. (I’m not sure how feasible this is with recent changes at 21st at.

Head out of the station to south of the Air Line, back around the SW quadrant of the connection then head east on the Air Line.

Looking at a map of the area, there is no way to head east after backing aroubd the SW quadrant–without heading towards the station and then backing around the NW quadrant.

I walked past the coaches, the lounge car, and the diner to get to the sleeper. In New Orleans, I walked past the same cars, in the reverse order. In both stations, the coaches were the closest cars to the bumper.

I suggest you look closer using Google Earth to see the current situation, how current are your maps? You have to use the inside track in the SW quadrant, go west to the Union Ave. platforms staying to the right at each crossover , then going back east stay to the left and you&#