Classic ALCO/MLW/GE fan club

I think we should have a classic ALCO/MLW/GE club, devoted to the smokiest engines that existed. Personally i like the RS18’s, RSC-24’s, 70 Tonners, 44 Tonners, M636, and M420W, and HR412’s. This summer i hope to get video and photos of the SMNR HR412 in action, with it’s 251 engine smokin.

Hi good idea this thread, one can never get to much info or pictures of Alco’s.I’m partial to Rs10’s and 18’s myself, though any Alco or MLW will do fine.

An RS18u of the Ontario Southland for everyone.


So you’re an “East Door” neighbour to me, from Ontario i take it. Well i’m glad that there are ALCO fans out there, and when i next go to Ontario i will definitely go to visit the OSR and the Guelph Junction Railway.

Yes sir an east door neighbour. LOL I’,m not exactly from the frozen tndra your calling home but it’sd felt like it the last three weeks [xx(]Guelph jct certainly has it’s highs as an ALCO wonderland that and the Trillium rail in my original home town of St Catharines with all it’s S13’s and slugs.Here’s some more guelph jcy shots for you.

The usual power RS23’s


Back in the 1970’s the Erie Lackawanna used RS-3’s on their trains here in Indiana,perhaps five units to a train.The trains slowed before entering a city,but on the way out the Alcos would accelerate and put down a smokescreen. Those were the good old days. joe

Another shot for the Alcophiles. This is a poor snap I mad e of a CP C424 switching just accross the baorder in Detroit back on a trip I made to Chicagoland in 1993


If there’s an ALCO/MLW/GE club, I’m onboard, but by GE, you mean critters, U-Boats, Dash 7s and maybe standard cab Dash 8s only right?

I love my ALCo/MLWs! Hearing that distinctive chugging and watching clouds of smoke blasting along the mainline…

My favorites are definitely the Montreal derivatives of the Century series…

I caught an EL C425 at Pullman Junction back in 1975.

Add Baldwin to your line up and count me in.

Man I love those Shark-Nose units!

Theres only one prettier…shes being restored to operating condition by Doyle…NKP PA 190

Is Doyle the man up in Norhern California that has a round house full of cool old diesels?

Yep…Heres the website…

You must mean Doyle McCormack, the Engineer (Steam Master) who helped overhaul the now famous CPR 2816.