Clean-Cut Cody!

I enjoy the series of Model Railroader ads which depict old 1940s and 50s MR covers with a modern recreation paired with them. In the July issue, the ad showing Cody and a young modeler presents Cody with quite the corporate neat and clean haircut look. Pretty sharp!


I liked the photo too. I was curious if the child in the photo belonged to one of the MR staff or if they hired a model.


This one is my favorite of the series so far.




I just wonder if that’s his boy. Seems to have a resemblence to Cody.

A poster boy who will be popular with the old-school folks, but I wonder what do the young folk consider as “cool”?

These days public image is all about appealing to the masses.

Maybe they could add a 2nd version with long hair that is tied up in a sort of pony-tail top-knot that is all the rage these days on young men. [:o)]

It’s called a “man bun.”


That might be what they call it, I have a different term for it.


I like the retro styled pictures with the new editorial staff.


The one where Steve Otte was holding the GORRE & DAPHETID locomotive was also one of my favorites. I wonder if he was afraid of dropping it? Maybe theere were safety cables attached to it to prevent a terrible disaster.




yeah, that thing. Thanks. I’m not young and cool and don’t know all the “in words”.

It kind of reminds me of the lyrics from an old song “Lola” by the Kinks in the 1970’s come true. [:P] “… it’s a mixed up world”

Kevin, we don’t count. We are “old farts” and the young guys don’t care what we think. It’s like back during the hippy era in the late 1960’s, you know, anyone over 30 is uncool and from a different generation. and part of “the establishment”. They had a slogan, “never trust anyone over 30”.

Heck, even in Logan’s Run, a movie that came out back then, the thing on your palm turned red at age 30 telling you it was time to go to the “Carousel” and be gone.

I was, and there wasn’t. I was very intent on holding that piece of track level. There was, however, a table just below the bottom of the photo, so if it did fall, it wouldn’t fall far. I insisted on that.

I tried to add quote to this but didn’t work. Wanted to reply to the 60’s stuff about cool and stuff. If you were accually there and met the hippies, they liked older people, they did not like existing politicos, at all!

Well, there are plenty of discussions about bringing young people to the hobby.

Maybe a photo-shoot with a tatted-up Steve Otte with a man-bun would attract more young people to the hobby.

Then again, maybe not.


That was a very good idea.


How could you even place a value on that locomotive?


