Cleaning Lionel postwar aluminum passenger cars!!!!

I’ve got several of the post war Lionel Lines passenger cars 2530-2534. The shine on a couple could use some work. Is there any products or ways to restore them without damaging them. Thanks Alan!!

Actually those cars are aluminum. Unfortunately, I don’t know what would shine them up.

Try the same stuff used to posish automobiles with. It’s aluminium, so it won’t harm. First of all clean them with carwashing soap and water, let them dry and poli***hem with carwax (NOT COMMANDANT or other agressive waxes…)

After removing the shells from the frames w/ trucks, I washed them in warm water with a little joy. After drying them poli***hem with “DURO” aluminum polish. (use sparingly) Now rinse in warm water, no soap and dry with soft towel. Set aside to air dry for 2 days. Now spray with “FLOQUIL” #110004 crystal cote. they look great and are protected by the crystal cote which is non yellowing.

Daan is right. Any aluminum polish will work. I can vouch for Simichrome, Wenol, or Flitz. They are all good and will not harm your cars. They are capable of making the aluminum shine like chrome if you work at it long enough but if that is too shiny don’t despair. Aluminum begins to oxidize immediately after you stop polishing it. Just wait afew months and it will have the sheen normally found on “new” cars.
