I know there are many debates on best cleaning practices, chemicals etc.
I really do not want this to be one of those.
I want to know about “bright boy” type track cleaners that I can use for my initial start up of the railroad. the very first cleaning of the rails.
I have been building my N scale layout and reached the point I wanted to test what I have done.
All the track is Peco code 55.
I am using a NCE power cab to test. This is what i have used on my bench. Once my buss line and feeders are in I plan to use ESU. I have a number of DCC sound equiped locos that I have tested on my test track which is about 6 feet long. All work well. I took the power cab to the layout and using alligator clips attempted to test the track. The loco sputtered and stalled not even moving inches. Dirty track I thought. I took a "bright bar’ I bought from Micro Mark and tried to clean the track in a small section, along with a wipe down of alcohol. . No change. I tried to clean wheels of the loco using the paper towel soaked in alcohol. I could not get it to run to clean wheels. I then tried another loco and had the same result. Then I soldered feeder wires to tried that, still no luck. I tried moving alligator clips around the layout and had the same result. all my track cannot be that bad i am thinking.
It is a bit frustrating to me.
Am I missing something?
Could it be the “Bright Bars” from Micro Mark are not what they claim?
Something I noticed when using the bright bar, it “shed” a lot.
I was wondering if it did not really clean the rail at all.
Would I be better off with Walthers bright boy?
I see Peco,Wwalther and ME all offer a bright boy cleaner.
as well there is the “tidy tracks”
any advice is welcomed.