What is the best way to clean vintage American Flyer track?
I have been using denatured alcohol on a white cotton sock. The track sure looks clean, but I continue to see black appearing on the sock. Any idea what the black coloring is?
What kind of metal is the track, or more specifically, the rails?
I’ve noticed the same thing when using denatured alcohol. No matter how many times you go over the track, the rag turns black. I switched to 99% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol is typically available in 70% or 90% and either will be fine) and I need to go over the track once to get it clean.
I’ve been wondering about this because my grand father’s AF track is 50% steel colored and 50% glossy black. Is the glossy black track supposed to be that way or do I need to take a scotch-brite to it?
I’ll bet you’re right. I’m no chemist, but it sounds as if Rich’s denatured alcohol is reacting with the steel rail somehow. I’ve always used ordinary rubbing alcohol and never had the problem he describes.
OK, I will use ordinary rubbing alcohol on my AF track. The reason for the denatured alcohol is that on my HO layout the track is nickel silver and the recommended cleaning agent for that track is denatured alcohol.
Another thing that I constantly confront is a black colored buildup on my metal tender pick up wheels. Even after cleaning every track on the layout (i.e., with denatured alcohol) and cleaning the metal tender wheels with a Bright Boy eraser, the black buildup quickly returns. I am convinced that it is the original plastic wheels on the pilot truck, trailing truck, non-cunductive tender wheels and freight car wheels.
That stuff forms even if no plastic wheels whatever are involved. It looks just the same whether I find it on pieces that I have owned for 55 years or ones that I just bought at a show. It’s interesting that both it and whatever the alcohol picked up are both black. We need a chemist to analyze the stuff.
No matter what kind of track you use there will be deposited a layer of black crud on the rails. I have read and been told that this is partially cause by the arcing of the electical pick up wheels along with some oil / grease and dust. I have notice that the problem is more sever on original Flyer track. First the track tops are wider and collect more crude than S-helper or American Models track. Second the S-helper and American Models track is easier to keep clean so there is less sparking and less (carbon) build up in the first place. They also do not get dirty as fast. I have noticed on the wheels of Flyer cars that run on S-Helper or American Models track that they tend to push the crud out towards the edge of the wheel. I guess the pressure on the part of the wheel touching the rail is greater, since there less is in contact with the rail. This keeps that part of the wheel touching the rail cleaner for better electrical contact. Plastic Flyer wheels also collect alot more crud than metal wheels on S-helper or Americal Model cars.
Before I place any car or locomotive on the rails I clean it’s wheels. Additionally after about a week of running I remove the equipment on the rails to clean the crude off their wheels. I also lubricate the wheels after cleaning. Rails also get cleaned weekly. I do not want any of the later flyer equipment with the two position reverse units going into spasms because of dirty track or wheels.