I’ve read everything I’ve found and watched every video I’ve found on the AR1 and the BXPA1 and I still have a couple basic questions
I’m running HO Scale, Backman EZ Track and Digitrax Electronics
I need to install 3 Autoreversing Loops and I’m trying to decide between AR1 and BXPA1. To help with that, I’m trying to decide what the BXPA1 would replace in the following:
AR1 autoreversing (I know this is yes. BXPA1 covers that)
BD4 Block Detector (Does the BXPA1 include this feature…I think yes but want to confirm)
DS64 Stationary Decoder to control Switch (Does BXPA1 also replace the need for this. I think No, but not sure)
Here is what I think:
I can use the BXPA1 to perform Block Detection and Autoreversing of power polarity, to send the necessary Block Detection signal to the DS64 so that the DS64 sends the signal to the switch motor…eliminating the need for a BD4 (vs AR1 plus BD4). Can someone confirm whether I have this right?
As I mentioned in your other thread, I would not consider the AR1 because it uses older technology, a mechanical relay, to reverse polarities inside the reversing section. It reacts too slowly and may not react in time to avoid a booster shutdown. It is not even a circuit breaker which is a real downside.
The BXPA1 is a solid state auto-reverser and circuit breaker with block detector capabilities. I am not all that familiar with the BXPA1, but I do not believe that it replaces the need for a device like the DS64 to control stationary decoders. I could be wrong, but I believe that you would still need a DS64 or similar device for remote control of turnouts.
I also do not know about the BXPA1, but I do know about the AR-1 and I agree with Rich.
Problems with the slow reaction could be exacerbated when the gaps in the rails are not exactly across from each other or if the L/R +/- pickups of the locos come from different axles.
Also, the mechanical AR-1 emits a distinct and audible ‘click’ when it trips; not loud or obnoxious, but definitely audible. This may or may not be a problem, but it is an issue.
From your other threads, you don’t need three (3) auto-reversing loops.
From your thread Bachmann Crossover Causing Short posted at 10:07 am on Friday, it seems you have created a reversing section that is causing the short.
Our OP, Ruckuss, posted three similar and somewhat related thread on Friday morning. We need to hear back from him, so we can further help. And a track plan would be most helpful so that we can visualize his track work.
thanks for detail about the solid state vs old relay tech
i chose the BXPA1 and have successfully installed all 3 automatic reversing loops. One of them being an AR loop within an AR loop. The success of this relies in making sure the output of the outer loop BXPA1 supplies the inputs to the inner loop BXPA1.