CN #2338

What will be the fate of CN M636 #2338 the last Big M liner still owned by the company. Since it was retired in 1998 it has sat more or less silent in a corner of Mac Yard in Toronto waiting for someone to decide it’s fate. It was operational in December of 1999 as a back up source of electricity in case Y2K shut the lights down but of course wasn’t needed. As with most of it’s type I assume it had it’s traction motors removed when it was retired and so is unable to move it’s self. Recently it was pulled into the shops so parts of it’s Dofasco trucks could be removed and used to repair a GE 8-40CM unit. Hopefully some kind soul will approach CN soon in an attemt to preserve it, after being in limbo for so long it deserves more than the scrappers torch![sigh]

If someone at CN were being charitable they could take this approach.

Lift the remaining locomotive up by the frame, load it on an 89’ flatcar, and move it to a trackside location devoted to the history of railroads.


I would like to see it moved to Moncton NB. I think that any interested parties should work on getting it to Moncton, find a place to store it then worry about restoring to for display.The longer it sits in Toronto , and the longer no one talks to CN about aquiring it the more likely it is to dissappear forever. A safe location should definitely be the first priority!