CN Kirk Yard, CSX & other rambles

This past fall, I moved out of my previous residence into a house much closer to the CSX mainline from Ohio to Chicago. Thus, my reception of CSX dramatically improved (on my scanner) and my interest in CSX exponentially increased (had to throw that in for Paul North and other engineering types).

Anyway, recently I have heard a CSX 395 running. Being the complete economic railgeek, it was necessary to know origin/destination of this train. Nothing listed under the BullSheet. Closer listening revealed the apparent destination was Curtis Yard (Gary, In) which is adjacent to Kirk Yard, the former EJE now CN hump. In fact a couple of communications stated something along the lines “CN will be ready for you”, etc.

So, putting 2 and 2 together…395 is either a Williard - Kirk Yd, Selkik - Kirk, or Cumberland - Kirk train. (Probably Williard).

Today, due to the ice storm, I took the wife (also a new event) to work (still in the blissful stages) and stopped when I heard a CSX train approaching. Lo and behold, it was 395. It looked an awful lot like the old 17R which ran eastbound on the NKP a few years ago which regularly had 125-170 cars containing half of western Canada’s GNP. The 395 had the same makeup - tank cars, empty lumber racks, Kaolin cars, Wisconsin Central short hoppers, etc.

So…(the end of the ramble is near). Is Kirk Yard now open for humpin business for the CN? Has CSX (and possibly NS) started interchanging at Gary with CN? Is CN now running out of Kirk?

I hear nothing unusual on the CN (ex GTW) indicating a turn at Griffith to go to Gary.


Nice train btw, with 404 axles (98 cars). Gotta love those CSX HBD with all the info (6040 feet, 46 mph, 404 axles).


Q395 is scheduled from Willard Westbound to Chicago BRC. I suspect the final Chicago destination may get changed on a situational basis.

Q395 is a Willard to Kirk train. CSX started running straight into Kirk just after Thanksgiving. There is also some bulk trains going into Kirk. K380, which is a coke train, along with several coal trains. I can not think of the coal train symbols off the top of my head but most start with T. CSX is also running a train out of Danville up the old C&EI to Kirk, a Q588.

BTW as someone who lives between US 6 and the tollroad, I also enjoy listening to the Suman HBD.

My scanner picks it up, but not on a 100% basis, which is a little surprising. My house is less than 4 miles, as the crow flies from the HBD. In fact, I located the HBD today during my little trip. Nice scenic area, as is the “stereo bridge” on CR 600. The radio tower is pretty tall. Are those “directional”? In other words is the transmission aimed along the route of the railroad?

Now, for the Q588…is the routing via the old J at Chicago Heights, or up to Dolton Junction and then over to Curtis Yard? It would seem Q588 would use CSX tracks all the way, unless there is an interchange issue between Kirk Yd and Curtis for EB’s.

So, if it does run Danville/Dolton/Curtis Yd, does that require two crews, or is there a pool which qualified on the Barr eastward?

That is a great area you live in between US 6 and Tollroad, the area east of 49 is really scenic and the area west of 49 is pretty nice also. You ever stop at that farm for fresh milk at Meridian and 900?


So are you still considered to be in Valpo, Valpo Ed?

I can’t help with answers for any of your questions, but I thought I’d better get in and make a few, hopefully germane, comments.

First of all, I knew you had an “impending development”. Now it’s a “recent development.” Congratulations!

Second, I saw my first GRW freight car today, It’s an ex-EJ&E coil steel gon, now owned by the Gary Railway, which is the part of the J that the CN didn’t get, didn’t want, or whatever.

I don’t think the radio towers are directional, however I am not sure on that point. Q588 runs up the C&EI to Dolton, turns west on the IHB, and then gets on the Chicgo Heights subdivision at North Havery. The train comes onto the Barr sub at Harvey, now facing east and goes stops along side Barr yard. The Danville crew gets off here and a B&OCT transfer crew takes the train to Kirk. There is talk of having the train get on the EJ&E in Chicago Heights and going straight into Kirk, but as of right now it is just talk.

I must admit that even thought I live in the subdivision just southeast of the intersection of Meridian and 900N I have never been to the farm.

Not sure if I want to buy “raw milk” as they referred to it. My buddy grew up on a dairy farm and he didnt see any point in buying milk that hasnt be pastorized or other processes.

I just heard a communication from CN dispatcher to a westbound CN train BCOL (engine 4600 series) asking if he is qualified to Joliet. Obviously there are operational changes starting to take place. Also, the train symbol puzzles me. CN seems to use only number symbols.

Is CN changing symbols?
