CN RSC13 or 14?

Hi all— I am wanting to expand my CN-Eastern Canada layout and model my native Prince Edward Island. Am wondering if anyone has ever seen or knows of availability of an RSC13 or 14. Have seen nothing on the internet other than a couple of folks who kitbashed them and I understand there was a fellow (Tiger Valley?) who at least did kits. I’d love to find one rtr with the capability of converting it to DCC, sound even better. Thanks all.


I am from Prince Edward Island and watched actually rode on a few times, RSC-14’s.

There was a company named Tiger Valley Models that did in fact make a metal HO scale RSC-14. I own about four of them.

I don’t think they are in business anymore though.

Your best bet is either finding an Overland Brass RSC-14 or buying an Atlas RS-11 and modfying it.

I have a friend of mine who has done some nice RS-18’s from Atlas RS-11’s.

And he is currently working on a couple of RSC-13’s that look pretty nice.

We are all hoping someday one the major manufacturer’s will step forward and produce them.


Thanks! Good info. I did get a referral to another Islander(probably who you’re referring to) as a possible builder for me. 25 years’ worth of firefighting and EMS calls and I don’t have the athleticism in the fingers I used to to attempt one myself! Any and all suggestions always appreciated and if you ever decide to rid yourself of one of yours, contact me! BTW appreciate your screen name. I stop and visit with 1762 every time I’m home and get a chance to run upwest to Kensington.