Hi everybody,
I’ve been wanting to complete this project since last X’mas. I got a few undecorated P2K FA2 and FB2 earlier this year and completed the set with a pair of P2K CN FA1 recently. I’m not that crazy over F-unit in freight train, but I have to admit they have a glamour feeling about them that makes them quite a sight when running in A+B+A fashion.
They will fit the layout era (circa September 1957) nicely because they were the units that superseded steam traction in Quebec City by mid-1950’s (only Quebec Central maintained steam somewhere around 1959).
The FB unit was painted with Accupaint CN Green and the gold color was a custom mix of Citadel paint to match the FA1 factory paint. FA1s were also touched up (grab irons and stainless kick plates). Weathering was done according to a color picture taken in Toronto in 1961. I tried to get the Alco-MLW greasy look seen on the prototype. Most weathering is done by airbrushing layers of Citadel paint thinned in isopropyl alcohol. Gril and fan were shadowed with a wash of mineral spirit and black oil paint. Dusting was done with pastel chalk sealed in dullcote.
When I’ll get the pieces for them, I’ll update FA1 horns to correct ones, had the typical CNR bells and the winter hatch.
A big thanks to Doctorwayne who helped me a lot on the paint scheme. BTW, I painted the grab iron in green to match pictures from the 50’s and early 60’s. I’ve only seen them in green in later pictures from mid-1960’s. I guess some safety rules changed and they repainted them yellow. The project took a whole week.
The boxcar matching this trio them was painted at the same time. It’s an Athearn BB kit painted with Krylon red primer and CDS dry transfer lettering (again weathered according to a real picture). Honestly, this red primer is so easy to weather
Hope you enjoy!