here is mine (pun) Whew long long weekend
Learned alot in the last few day:
- You can generate a HUGE mess in a very short time.
- Hot glue means HOT!!
- Shouldn’t use cork roadbed in a yard area!!!
- Turntables take a HUGE amount of room,think I’m gona box it back up and give it to DAD.
- Never thought I would start in middle of layout.
- STILL NO PLAN!!! By the time I get one most track will be layed [:-^][:-^]
Thought of the day: What came first Eve or FlexTrack ?hmmmmmmmmm Thank GOD for both[:D]
Looks good, nice job. I have a New River Mining Kit on the way from Walthers. Should be arriving any day now. Do you have any assembly tips on this kit? Any lessons learned would be appreciated.
Why do you say not to use cork in a yard? What happened? I was thinking about using the cork sheets in my yard. Thanks for any help, John
Can’t help much on assembly bought it all done just like you see it.
LHS was out of stock but had one I could look at…like I was going home without it!
Looked at a large layout this weekend and noticed they put there yard track on the homasote. Also read about it here.I think it looked better after the ballast was put down. Also would make it alot easier to lay track. So I corked the general mine area to give it a smoother look than will over ballast the rest.
Also read here some use n Scale cork.
Going to join a club next week then maybe I can get my hands dirty.
Nice PICS! I’m not sure of your issues with the cork?
I use cork for main lines (HO scale). I glue the cork to the plywood subroadbed with yellow carpenters glue. I glue the track to the cork roadbed with clear latex adheasive caulk. I find that it works great. I guess I could glue the cork to the plywood with the latex caluk, but the yellow glue works fine, so why fix something which is not broken.
For yards and industrial track, I buy large sheets/rolls of cork at building supplier such as Home Depot or Lowes. It is much less expensive than buying individulal N guage cork for yards. I do not use Homosote at all and find the cork works great. Is Homosote better than cork? I don’t know, but find the cork works great for me.
Looks good. I did a layout without a plan ONCE. Didn’t turn out to bad except I had no room for buildings LOL.
On my website I show how to plan for that.
I hope it helps you out.