Considering Switching to Standard Gauge

I know you’re not considering MTH or other repro stuff; but since price is a sticking point, you may wi***o further explore the repro world, esp. if you’re a runner/ not a collector (you indicated you’re a collector but were excited about a layout you saw).

Here’s my buddies O gauge MTH Blue Comet, purchased by his wife as a surprise Christmas present:

Thanks once again to all of you for your thoughful/insightful replies. The past few years I have been a “collector” in reality, and now I would like to build a layout and finally play with these things again. Thank you for encouraging me in the direction of repros as well, I may have rushed to judgment on too many of them. I do love the “presence” and “umph” of the big trains, as well as their history. I really liked the comment about knowing these have been played with - I think scratches, worn areas, etc are history in themselves. I toured an old Victorian historic home recently and the docent was explaining that the standard gauge lionel layout still on display a hundred years later was not only significant for Lionel collectors, but in their own right as a sign of the times then - that these electric toys were a way of showing off not only electrification, but disposable income to purchase toys relying on electricity!!! To me, it’s just amazing how far we have come along now, to the point where we assume sometimes that the only significance of these trains is their limited numbers and number of years they have existed.

One thing I would miss is the sheer variety of O gauge as compared to Standard. Yet, for various reasons (finances, time, etc) I would prefer to focus on one only.

Well, thanks again to all of you and please keep the insights/replies coming!!!

If you have the money and the room for standard I say go for it!!!
Standerd Gauage frepresents more than Model trains, I feel they are working pieces of metal art,They are beautifull to watch!!![^]

I may be in minority here, but I have, do, and will purchase all manner of prewar items both o and std with the intention of restoring them myself. I know that is not everyones idea of a good time, but I have always had great success doing so. Right now I have 3 or 4 sets of passenger cars waiting for a few more parts and some new matched paint. I am amused by people that are all or nothing, ie: if its cheap its junk and always will be. On the other hand those people contribute to keeping prices low ont he stuff I buy. Maybe the key for is that I enjoy the working on the trains as much as running them and that is what it is all about!

I just got some of my first SG items and they are truly wonderful! But there’s a few pre-war and postwar “O” pieces that I just couldn’t image giving up. I love that Flying Yankee. I love operating with command.

I’ll be putting together a nice, if small SG layout. SG goes great under the christmas tree, too.

But the argument that SG is sooo much more expensive is rapidly fading for the same reasons that the secondary and PW “O” markets are tanking. (Lots of stuff out there and a shrinking market.) The exceptions are the same in SG as in O. You want mint w/box? You will pay. You want rare, big name sets (ie: Blue Comet, State) in premo condition? You will pay.

You want a nice set of common trains in decent condition to run? I think with just a little effort you’ll pay considerably less than what MTH is asking for NIB reproductions.

Speaking of MTH reproductions, I think they’re great. I love looking at them, and I’m glad they’re available. For one thing, they’re one of the factors driving down the price of the original stuff for me. But I just haven’t been able to buy a set, even though I probably could. They just aren’t the same thing.

Getting back to you’re original question, if you operate your trains, I’d hold off on dumping your “O” stuff - see if you can plan a SG layout that really will do all the stuff you wanna do in the space you have available. That, and I think some of the pre-war “O” stuff has the same appeal. I wouldn’t want to limit myself.

Have fun!

Old 2037

Thanks again for all the replies!!! I do agree that there is some common sense in considering repro stuff. If I followed the “purist” philosophy to its logical extreme for example, I would only use vintage standard track which is a hassle to find it seems and not really worth the return benefits (if there are any). I also worry that I will spend far more than I need on something which will tank in value in a couple years if Lionel re-issues it with the Lionel name on it. Maybe I am just thinking too much about all of it (that would be my wife’s vote).