My conversion was done in N scale. This is one of the easiest kitbashes that Ihave ever done. The parts needed are:
- One Kato C44-9W shell
- One Kato AC4400 shell
All you need to do is replace the AC4400 superstructure with the one from the C44-9W. If you would like to make it into the BNSF AC4400C4M version you will need a set of Fox Valley Models trucks for the ES44C4 locomotives which are drop in replacements for C-C trucks on the Kato models.
This thread needs a picture of the finished product so we can go oooh and ahhhh
Yea, pictures would be cool. The biggest noticable difference is the invertor box on the conductor side. It’s longer.
Another is the vents below the cab on the engineers side.
Nice, I like the buildings too.
Yep, looks good. Ooops! it looks like the hand rail on the engineers side slipped. Those darn big hands from above! [(-D] Same happens to me, and I’m in HO. !
I can’t imagine N.
Thank you for the complements. Very easy conversion. The building is the Walthers N scale Americna Hardware Supply kit, built as the Anchor Brewing Company. The actual Anchor Brewery is on Mariposa Street in the Pretero distict of San Farncisco. I copies their emblem, made a decal and put it on the water tank on the roof.