With my new (unfinished) HO DCC layout I’m primarily modeling UP transition era and have 4 locos to date, all bought new with DCC & sound. I bit a bullet today (i.e., got ahead of myself) and bought a “slightly used” DCC ready Kato Alco UP RS-2 diesel on eBay. I figured the next to worst case is I have to pay the LHS guru to convert it to DCC & sound (I will want both). The worst case is I get a bad loco, but I’ve heard good reports on Kato and the seller has good reviews.
So, can someone enlighten me on whether I should (in time) attempt the conversion myself? How do I select a preferred decoder (for this model or any other I decide to acquire)? Similarly, how do I select a speaker & enclosure, and will they fit? Should I just go to my (not so close) LHS and let him guide me on parts selection, then do the labor myself? Or should I figure it out myself and buy parts at discount?
Can someone advise what production year this Kato is? The box notes mfg #37-2503.
Any advice appreciated!