Hi Eveyone,
My name is Jason and I’m new to this forum. I have a old 4’x8’ HO “The Yardmaster” layout track that my dad built for me when I was a kid. He used Atlas track and equipment and this all DC with several DC loco’s. Fast forward 25 years… The track and layout are still in pretty great shape with some things not working, like the bell on the tyco train crossing, two turnouts don’t work (have to move manually). The trains do work around the outer loop and the figure eight but it’s DC power, so it’s not nearly as smooth as DCC and hard to run two trains at once. I would love to get this layout up to date. Sounds like DCC is the way to go? I know very little about DCC. I am looking for suggestions, ideas, how to’s, don’t do, equipment that I would need to convert, and any and help would be greatly appreciated. My kids (8 and 6) love driving the train as is, but I would love to make this better with a couple of new modern locos to have even more fun. Thanks to all for help. I attached a few pics for you to get an idea of what I have.