Corn Belt Rocket June 07 Are tickets on sale?

Been promising my cousin his first train ride and I would much rather it be behind steam then on Amtrak. Granted as thick as the ATSF blood runs thru my veins I would much rather be it 3751 but the 844 shall do fine if I can get tickets!

Currently, the UP Steam web site merely recites the dates 844 will be on the road and the cities to be visited. If rides are to be offered anywhere, they are not included there. Do you have information that they will be offered from some other source?

Also, the dates listed are June 23rd thru July 5th. Maybe we’re not talking about the same thing.

Union Pacific Steam Locomotive Shop

Yes that is the trip that I am refering to. I don’t know if there’s going to be any tickets, that is what I am trying to find out myself!

Here’s some info for when its in Trenton, MO…

Looks like they may be running some excursions…