Croocked Mountain Line


I am a great fan of the modelling done by the late Bob Hegge. His boxcabs where a great inspiration, and was probably an important reason for me choosing to model electric engines in 0-scale. (The picture is of a scratchbuilt pantograph for one of my models)

But what happened to Bob Hegges models? I hope they are taken good care of by people that appreciate them.

Any recent photographs would be much appreciated!


Hawx - Welcome to! [C):-)]

Bob Hegge’s Crooked Mountain Lines was along with Allen’s G&D and Furlow’s San Juan Central probably the biggest reasons I’m still in model railroading today. Its one of my favorite layouts.

I asked a similar question a while ago looking for more published information on the line and got these responses;

I have since gotten the issue of MR that featured the layout and I got the NMRA commemorative “Crooked Mountain Lines” boxcar for my LS line.

[#welcome] to the forums!

Have you also tried google for your subject?


Sure, google was my first try.

I have also used the MR-magazine index to find everything published on the Croocked Mountain.

But the big question remains:

Where are those impressing boxcab electrics today?



(My own boxcab in 0m, 1/45 scale, 22,2mm gauge)